Book Educator

Educating The Community

Kevin Brannon is an educator, radio personality, award-winning documentary filmmaker of fishing, education, and marine conservation projects, and a trusted social influencer for California’s community of outdoor enthusiasts, both amateur and professional.

He is the Founder and CEO of the Reel Angler Network which includes the family-focused non-profit Reel Guppy Outdoors Inc. whose Mission is to empower and inspire youth, families, and our community to be impactful in the world through education and personal development. He is an active education partner with local schools and universities and fierce advocate for those with barriers to marine-related experiences and education.

Kevin's passion extends as the producer and host of both the nationally syndicated Reel Anglers Fishing Show California and the Reel Radio podcast.

Kevin also serves as an environmental conservation and responsible recreation ambassador for state, national, and international organizations including the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation's R3 Committee, Justice Outside, and the International Game Fish Association, in addition to his position as a Pro Staffer for Bass Pro Shops.

He is also a diversity consultant for the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife and NOAA, a Children’s Book Author, and the former President of Channel Islands Coastal Conservation Association Chapter. Kevin has been fishing and working in the waters of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary for more than 25 years, beginning as a pinhead and deckhand on crew boats when he was 11 years old.